Chesterfield Road, Staveley, Chesterfield, S43 3XD
The church is situated about two miles from Chesterfield town centre, close to the northbound A61 and just off the Whittington Moor roundabout. We are close to Whittington Moor GP surgery on one side and Whittington Moor Nursery & Infant Academy on the other. The church building opened in November 1981 and was the coming together of St John's Road and Sheffield Road Methodist Churches, both of which were demolished to make way for the regeneration of the Whittington Moor area and building of the A61 dual carriageway. Over the years we have welcomed friends from other local churches too.
1. Love God in response to His love for us, which is our firm foundation.
2. Love each other as a Christian community, sharing our lives with on another, demonstrating love as we bear with one another, accepting our differences and seeking to work together as we move forward.
3. Love our neighbours by working with and in the community, serving the needs of others, and so fulfil the command of Jesus.
Sunday Worship starts at 10:30am and is mainly traditional, with a monthly communion service and occasional café style worship. We serve tea and coffee after service on 3rd Sunday of each month.
Our minister at Whittington Moor is Rev'd Margaret Mwailu. You can find her contact details on the Contact Us page.
Men's Breakfast is held on the first Saturday of the month at 8.30am. Breakfast is followed buy a time of fellowship, with the inclusion of an invited speaker. For more information contact Mike Spriggs – Tel: 07484 169003.
Coffee Morning occurs on the first Wednesday of the month between 10am and 12 noon. Refreshments include tea, coffee and biscuits, plus toasted teacakes as requested. There is also a book stall and a raffle.
Coffee, Chat & Craft group is held on the third Wednesday of the month between 10am and 12 noon. All welcome, whether you are making something or just prefer refreshments and a chat! Contact Ruth Oscroft for more information – Tel: 07792 994384.
Messy Church sessions, for children 5-11 years, are held every three months on Friday afternoons from 3.15 pm to 5.15pm as separately advertised. Contact Ruth Oscroft for more information – Tel: 07792 994384.
The church maintains a connection with the neighbouring Whittington Moor Nursery and Infant Academy. The children, parents and teachers from the school come and use the church for their Easter, Harvest and Christmas concerts
The Church hall is regularly used by various community groups throughout the week, and hired for occasional children's birthday parties.
Chesterfield Community Roast group are now hosting a monthly roast on 2nd Sunday, from 12noon. All welcome.
For enquiries regarding room hire please contact Mike Spriggs on 07484 169003.
Charity Number: 1133796
07784 855443
07784 855448
Circuit Office
Central Methodist Church
S40 1UH