A church is not simply a building but a community of Christians who are called to respond to God's love in Christ and to live out their Christian discipleship in worship and mission.
The Methodist Church is Britain's fourth largest Christian denomination and part of the worldwide Methodist family of over 60 million committed members and a further 20 million adherents. As per the latest count, there are approximately 170,000 people who have made and sustained a commitment to Christian discipleship within the Methodist Church of Great Britain and are active members of a local Methodist church.
Find out more about the Methodist Church in Great Britain here.
The structure of the Methodist Church means our Circuit is part of a wider District, covering South Yorkshire, North Nottinghamshire, and North East Derbyshire. Our District website can be found here.
Sunday services and other activities take place in our churches. You can find more information on the Services page, and the Your Local Church page.
At every church service, whether you attend in-person or online, you are very welcome, no matter whether you be a familiar face or someone new.
Please revisit this site often to see what's new and use our contact form if you would like to get in touch with us.
Charity Number: 1133796
Circuit Office
Central Methodist Church
S40 1UH