Chesterfield Road, Staveley, Chesterfield, S43 3XD
A warm welcome to Loundsley Green Church, a local ecumenical partnership (LEP) between the Church of the Ascension (Anglican) and Loundsley Green Methodist Church.
Loundsley Green is a large housing estate on the west side of Chesterfield. It was built in the early 1960s, principally to house Post Office staff who were relocating to Chesterfield as part of a decentralisation programme, and the two churches were built at the same time as the estate.
After many years of working together an LEP was formed in 2005, and five years later we became a united congregation worshipping together in a somewhat transformed Methodist building, with the Anglican building leased to a Community Trust for use as a community centre. Members of the church support the trust, and both work together for the local community.
Our Methodist Minister is Rev'd Mark Carrick and our Anglican Priest in Charge is Rev'd Sarah Colver. Sarah is Vicar of the United Benefice of Old Brampton and Great Barlow, with whom we also share an Assistant Curate, Rev Gill Ball.
Sunday services are at 9:45am and use a variety of formats both liturgical and non-liturgical. Holy Communion is usually celebrated on the first two Sundays of each month.
There is also a service of Holy Communion at 9:30am every Tuesday.
A warm & welcoming community space to relax with free refreshments every Wednesday between 10am and 12:00pm.
Keep warm, sit & read, socialise, knit & natter, or play a board game.
All individuals & families are most welcome to share our Warm Space.
Meets every Wednesday during school term time from 1.30 – 3pm.
Babies, toddlers and carers are all welcome to come and play.
Have a cup of tea and snacks for the children. Music time as well.
Meets on the first Wednesday of the month (except for August) from 10.30am -12noon.
Come and join a group of people who knit and crochet shawls to give to people in both joy and sorrow.
Time for reflection with lots of chat and laughter as well as a cup of tea. All are welcome.
The Mothers' Union is a worldwide Christian organisation promoting marriage and family life.
It is open to mothers and fathers and has been supporting families for 140 years, with 4 million members in 84 countries.
Our branch meets at 2pm on the second Wednesday of each month except August (holidays) and December (Christmas lunch).
Charity Number: 1133796
07784 855443
07784 855448
Circuit Office
Central Methodist Church
S40 1UH