Derbyshire North East Methodist Circuit Logo Link
Derbyshire North East
Methodist Circuit

Staveley Methodist Church

Chesterfield Road, Staveley, Chesterfield, S43 3XD

derby road

Welcome to Derby Road Methodist Church

The church is about a mile south of Chesterfield town centre and has a small congregation of people mainly from the local community.

Services take place every Sunday morning at 10:45am.

The Minister at Derby Road is Rev'd Richard Harris.

About the building

The Church replaced the original corrugated iron Church (the 'Tin Tabernacle') in 1927. Inside it has a light modern feel, thanks to a major refurbishment which has enabled the space to be used for different kinds of activities during the week. The hall next to the Church was opened in 1956, but is now a dental practice, which being located on Jawbones Hill, is the object of some local amusement!

Serving the community

Generally, the church building is used seven days a week for worship and community activities such as dancing classes, yoga, and slimming world sessions. It is very much a building to be used by the community as well as a base for Christian witness in the neighbourhood. The Church has links with other denominational churches in the neighbourhood and with the adjacent Spire Junior School where the minister is on the school governing body. Pupils from the school are welcomed to the church every Christmas for the annual Christingle Service.

There is a new Methodist Church initiative within the communityentitled 'New Places for New People'. The project is led by Jonathan Hood. He has made links within the community and has become a School Governor at Spire Infant School. Under the project the Church hosts a Tuesday after school 'Kids Club' as well as activities for children in school holidays.

As a caring community of Christians, members of the church have tried to reach out to those who are lonely or in need of support. There is a Fellowship Group which normally meets on the last Tuesday of the month. With encouragement from the minister, a 'Blue Christmas' service has taken place in recent years to provide an alternative to the usual carol services, ministering to those who find little to celebrate at what for them is a difficult time of year. Church members are keen supporters of the Chesterfield Foodbank and the church also supports other charities with donations.

Find out more
Please contact the minister or use the contact form if you have any questions.

derby road

Get In Touch
07784 855443
07784 855448

Circuit Office
Central Methodist Church
S40 1UH

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© 2024 – Derbyshire North East Methodist Circuit