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Derbyshire North East
Methodist Circuit

Staveley Methodist Church

Chesterfield Road, Staveley, Chesterfield, S43 3XD



A very warm welcome to Brimington Methodist Church.

The church was opened in 1967, bringing together three Methodist churches within the centre of the village. The church is situated on The Green in the heart of the village. The church was extended adding extra schoolrooms in 1991 and a further refurbishment was undertaken in 2005. This has meant that the worship area is much more adaptable and can be used in a variety of ways. There is a seating capacity for 120 people in the worship area with a range of other rooms. These include two large halls, small meeting rooms, a prayer room and a modern kitchen and toilet facilities including an accessible toilet. The building is totally accessible including a loop system.

The building's distinctive triangular shape, depicting hands joined in prayer, is a landmark and fitting for a Church which puts prayer at the centre of Christian life.

The Church family offers a friendly welcome to people from the area as well as being a worshipping community offering social support and care, including involvement in the Brimington Food bank run by the Trussell Trust.


Our Minister is the Rev'd Richard Harris and he can be contacted on 01246 472488 or by email on

Worship at Brimington

Sunday worship commences at 10.30am and lasts between one hour to one and a half hours. A zoom service is offered each week. On the first and third Sunday in the month we have a band that leads us in worship and on the other Sundays we have the use of the organ. We have a variety of worship styles including a traditional Holy Communion service, Café style worship as well as Reflective services. Coffee and biscuits are available before and during the service.

We hold a Sunday lunch once a month (second Sunday) either in Church or in a restaurant and we have 'Lifted' a new form of worship – third Sunday in the month from 5.00pm to 6.30pm starting with food.

Key Missional objectives

Our strap line as a church is as follows:

  • Gather to worship, share and learn
  • Go in love, joy and hope

As members of the church we are committed to these objectives as we attend church regularly to worship God, to share our faith and to learn from each other. We then go out into the world to love and serve our neighbours in God's strength. We are a compassionate people who want to help and support people in our daily lives. We have a strong group of Pastoral Visitors who actively support our members and adherents.

Members of the congregation have a real commitment to living out their faith by serving people in the community. The ethos of the church is to look outward and not inward. Many members of the church are volunteers with different voluntary groups including Chesterfield Care Group, the Food bank, Freedom Project, Edge Ministry and Christian Vision for Men. We also see our mission work as supporting many charities in prayer and financially both as individuals and as a church.

Fellowship Groups

There are several weekly Fellowship and Bible Study groups. They are as follows:

  • Tuesday evening – 7.30pm to 9.00pm (held in a members home)
  • Wednesday morning – 10.30am to 12 noon (held in Church)
  • Thursday evening – 7.00pm to 9.00pm (alternative weeks with food) (held now at Edge Ministry, Staveley)

We have several groups that meet to plan the life and activities of the church.


We have a major letting five days each week with the Little Characters Nursery and Before and After School Club. A dance group meets one evening every other week and the Chesterfield Care Group a charity which provides day care for a range of older people meets twice per week. We provide this letting free of charge.

We could take on more bookings but due to the issue of Safeguarding we need to ensure that bookings would be appropriate for the number of children and vulnerable adults already in the building.

For more information about the church and its activities please see our Facebook page.

© 2025 – Derbyshire North East Methodist Circuit