As churches are aware, the Circuit Invitation Committee previously decided to remain in the Stationing Matching process up until Conference, which concluded on 3rd July. It has now been confirmed that there will be no match for a third ordained minister to take up post in September 2024.
Last month communications were sent to churches regarding the Superintendency. This is now confirmed, and Rev Mark Carrick will take up the role in September 2025. We are delighted that Rev Gill Newton, our Chair of District, will support the transition and work closely with Mark and our Circuit Leadership Team over the coming 12 months.
Furthermore, our Circuit Mission Plan states a team of three ministers will provide oversight to the 14 churches in the Derbyshire North-East Circuit. As agreed by the Circuit Meeting on May 28th , the following churches will now become the Pastoral responsibility of our two ministers:
Rev Mark Carrick
Rev Richard Harris
The third position will be advertised as a Local Lay Pastor. This individual will join a growing ministry team that will represent and support each of our churches across the Circuit, drawing on the skills and gifts of our people. Our ministry team will ensure pastoral care, mission, and ministry extends beyond our walls to the communities which we serve.
We are excited for what the future brings, as we hear again the voice of God through the prophet Isaiah: "Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?"
God bless,
Rev Mark Carrick & Rev Richard Harris
Charity Number: 1133796
Circuit Office
Central Methodist Church
S40 1UH