Marking the start of a new life, the making of a public commitment in a marriage ceremony and giving thanks for the life of someone who has died. These 'rites of passage' are a common reason for people wanting to be in touch with our churches. Here are some things that might help you to consider one of our Churches might be the appropriate place to host your special occasions
The Methodist Church holds that all people are special to God. All are loved by God and therefore have value, dignity and worth. In a Baptism service, we create an opportunity for a child to be welcomed into a family and a community. We recognise the love and grace of God toward the childright from the start. We commit ourselves as parents, families, friends, as God Parents and as a Church family to support this precious life. We pray for God's blessing upon them and their families, all who will be involved in their upbringing and nurture.
Alongside this, we offer Services of Thanksgiving, for those who do not want to have their children baptised, allowing them to make their own decisions when they are older.
Arrangements for baptisms can be made by contacting individual ministers of the church where you already have a connection or would like to make one. Normally, there is no charge for a baptism or thanksgiving service but an opportunity to make a donation to the host church will be made available.
See the sections of the website under "Local Churches" and "About us" to find out about our churches and the ministry team. See also our National Methodist Church website for further information.
You've met someone. You've entered into a relationship with them, and it has come now to a point where you want to exclusively commit to one another in love. You want to have a Church wedding. We would be delighted to help you. We can discuss your needs and wishes in an initial conversation, and if it feels right for you and us, we'll proceed to plan to host and facilitate your wedding ceremony for you. We will walk you through the process and do all we can to make your day as special as we can.
Arrangements should be made in each case with the minister of the church where you want to hold your wedding who will be able to advise you regarding process, preparation, legal aspects, and fees.
We are able to marry anyone who is legally able to do so.
For further information about Marriage and Relationships, see the National Methodist Church website.
We have an experienced ministerial staff and others who can competently conduct the service for your loved one when the time comes. Whether this be a service at a Church, a Cemetery, or a Crematorium, or a combination of these, we can compassionately be alongside you at this time and support you through this difficult time. Yes, we are committed Christian people and operate from a set of values and beliefs which might differ from yours. However, one of those values is to set a priority on providing you with a bespoke service that will be honouring of the person who has died and appropriate to those who will mourn their passing. Funeral Directors normally make arrangements for you with respect to booking a minister and / or Church building, setting fees, and making the link with the minister of lay person who will conduct the service.
If you are anticipating an immanent loss of a loved one and want to talk to someone about this in a confidential and safe way, then please contact one of our ministers under 'About Us"
More information is available on the National Methodist Church website.
Charity Number: 1133796
Circuit Office
Central Methodist Church
S40 1UH