Derbyshire North East Methodist Circuit Logo Link
Derbyshire North East
Methodist Circuit

Staveley Methodist Church

Chesterfield Road, Staveley, Chesterfield, S43 3XD



Welcome to Duckmanton Methodist Church, a class of Bolsover Methodist Church. We are situated on the edge of Duckmanton Village just at the top of Tom Lane.

The Building
The Methodist Church in Duckmanton was built in 1939. There is a large car park at the side of the church. The Minister at Bolsover and Duckmanton is Rev'd Mark Carrick.

We meet monthly at 3pm for worship where we have mainly traditional services. Our services aim to be meaningful. We use Hymns and Psalms which has mostly traditional hymns in and Mission Praise which have both old and new. We have two organists and two pianists who help with the music. There will be a warm welcome to everyone who comes. We have cups of tea and biscuits after certain services.

The building is fully equipped to meet disability legislation, with sound and loop system for the hard-of-hearing and accessible toilet facilities.

Serving the community
We host a regular coffee morning, run by Edge Ministries, and we have links with Duckmanton School. We also support a charity called Action for Children. As a class of Bolsover, please contact our minister, Rev Mark Carrick, for any wedding, baptism or funeral enquiries.


Get In Touch

Circuit Office
Central Methodist Church
S40 1UH

Circuit Map

© 2025 – Derbyshire North East Methodist Circuit