Chesterfield Road, Staveley, Chesterfield, S43 3XD
The Methodist Church in Brimington Common opened in 1867. It is one of three Methodist Churches serving the village of Brimington, one of the largest villages in the county of Derbyshire. Brimington Common is a beautiful part of the village, with farms, farmland and woodland close by, with views extending over to the hills in the west and over a wide area to the east, along Manor Road (on which the Church is situated and a very, busy road running along the ridge, which is often taken by people travelling to and from the nearby Royal Hospital). Brimington Common Methodist Church is situated close to the village of Calow.
The weekly Service, at Brimington Common Methodist Church, is usually held 10.15 am on Sunday mornings, but occasionally for special services, the time is moved to 3.00 pm, with refreshments provided afterwards. Advance notice of time changes may be obtained through the Circuit newsletter, or by posters.
A coffee morning, to which all are invited, is held on the last Saturday in the month, 10.00 to 11.30 am.
The Staveley and District United Churches' Choir holds their weekly practise sessions here and perform several Concerts a year for us, again all are invited.
The Church has close links with The Manor Infant School, situated across the road. They occasionally use the Church, as they do not have a hall of their own, and our car park. Parents are also encouraged to use the car park, when dropping off and collecting children from the school.
Other community groups using the hall, include a Zumba group, Slimming World, and charitable organisations for fund raising efforts. 'Chesterfield Sling Library' also hire the hall once a month, a voluntary organisation helping Chesterfield families safely carry children and babies in slings and carriers.
We are a small, but friendly Church, who keep in close contact with all members and friends, especially those who no longer can attend due to health reasons. As such we offer a warm welcome to all who care to cross our threshold and are pleased to be able to let our hall, the only such venue in the Brimington Common area, to groups for community use and children's parties.
Charity Number: 1133796
Circuit Office
Central Methodist Church
S40 1UH