Faith, Hope and The Journey is a collection of stories from South Yorkshire, North Nottinghamshire and North East Derbyshire as people from our district share their faith journey and talk about how they are using their gifts and talents to do God's work.
Revd Mark Carrick from the Derbyshire North East Circuit shares his faith journey and talks about sharing the Advent story in new and creative ways. This is an extended episode which explores Mark's life and talks about how story telling and creative artwork has been and continues to be a great way to engage with people of all ages.
Listen to find out more on our website or through your usual podcast provider.
In life and faith, we value and appreciate different perspectives, and encourage you to consider what your perspective is too! If anything in this podcast gets you thinking, you'd be more than welcome to get in touch with us for more information or a conversation.
Charity Number: 1133796
Circuit Office
Central Methodist Church
S40 1UH