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Storrs Road Methodist Church 125th Anniversary

storrs road 125 annivstorrs road 125h anniversary

Join Storrs Road Methodist Church as they celebrate the 125th Anniversary of the church.

This year, on the 21st-23rd of February, we will be celebrating a very special Chapel anniversary.

On the 21st, the official opening day, the Centre will be open from 11am for people to browse the exhibition. Light refreshments will be served.

At 1.45pm Rev Mark Carrick will ceremoniously open the Church door, symbolic of 125 years ago, followed by a commemorative service.

After this, at 3pm, there will be a Victorian Afternoon Tea in the Centre. Tickets for this event will be available from the end of January, at a cost of £10.

On Saturday the 22nd, the display will be moved into Church to be seen by those unable to visit on the Friday. This will be open from 1-3pm and again light refreshments will be available.

The Sunday morning service at 10.30am on 23rd February will be led by the District Chair, and former President of Conference, Rev Gill Newton. This will be followed by a Faith Lunch in the Centre with the cutting of the celebratory cake

Please see the program of events on the flyer here.

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Central Methodist Church
S40 1UH

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